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Starting: Fri Nov 1 05:36:49 CET 2019
Ending: Wed Nov 20 17:10:24 CET 2019
Messages: 28
- [db-wg] NWI-10 Definition of Country
Arash Naderpour
- [db-wg] NWI-10 Definition of Country
ripedenis at
- [db-wg] NWI-10 Definition of Country Sanjaya Sanjaya
- [db-wg] NWI-10 Definition of Country
Arash Naderpour
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country
Leo Vegoda
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country Arash Naderpour
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country Sanjaya Sanjaya
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country Randy Bush
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country Sanjaya Sanjaya
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country Leo Vegoda
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country
Leo Vegoda
- [db-wg] NWI-10 Definition of Country
ripedenis at
- [db-wg] [Ext] Re: NWI-10 Definition of Country Leo Vegoda
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase?
Edward Shryane
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Edward Shryane
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Piotr Strzyzewski
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Edward Shryane
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Piotr Strzyzewski
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Ronald F. Guilmette
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Edward Shryane
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Nick Hilliard
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Edward Shryane
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Piotr Strzyzewski
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Ronald F. Guilmette
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Piotr Strzyzewski
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Ronald F. Guilmette
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase? Ronald F. Guilmette
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase?
Ronald F. Guilmette
- [db-wg] Internationalized domain names in the data abase?
Edward Shryane
- [db-wg] Whois Release 1.96 Edward Shryane
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