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Re: Control of recursive searches

  > "Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" woeber@localhost writes:
  > no, I don't :-) Sorry, I obviously got mixed up with (old) versions of whoi
  > s.
  > My alias is pointing to something that still doesn't know about the -r flag
  > .
  > 	bash$ rw -r as760
  > 	./whois: illegal option -- r
  > 	usage: whois [-a] [-g] [-v] [-h hostname] key ...
  > Again, sorry for wasting bandwidth.

I wasn't angry at all.
I was just wandering whther my leg was being pulled.

Actually it is even worse.
The current whois client distribution does not know about -r.
I'll make a new one a.s.a.p.


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