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bug fixed (enwrite.pl)

Graca Carvalho (and someone else) found a bug which caused
delted entries to be displayed by whoisd. This actually is a
bug in the "dbm" buffering of perl. I have fixed that by
changing enwrite not to write long versions of unknown objects.
I have checked to see if this breaks anything else and found
nothing. I hope I haven't overlooked anything.

A context diff of enwrite.pl is included below. A new distribution
is in the usual place.


*** /tmp/T0a20148	Tue Oct 12 18:31:07 1993
--- /tmp/T1a20148	Tue Oct 12 18:31:07 1993
*** 1,9 ****
  #       enwrite - write RIPE database entry
  #	$RCSfile: enwrite.pl,v $
! #	$Revision: 0.14 $
! #	$Author: marten $
! #	$Date: 1993/09/10 10:03:20 $
  #	This routine writes a RIPE database entry to standard output
  #	in long or short form.
--- 1,9 ----
  #       enwrite - write RIPE database entry
  #	$RCSfile: enwrite.pl,v $
! #	$Revision: 0.16 $
! #	$Author: dfk $
! #	$Date: 1993/10/12 17:17:11 $
  #	This routine writes a RIPE database entry to standard output
  #	in long or short form.
*** 26,31 ****
--- 26,32 ----
  	$errs = "uw ue" if $witherrors;
  	if (!&entype(*object)) {
+ 		return 0 if ($long);
  		$ok = 1;
  		foreach $key (keys %object) {
  			@val = split(/\n/, $object{$key});

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