Re: [certtest] rPKI vendor's implementation verfication

Hi Dimitis,

have a look at:

I think this should give you a path to persue your project?

The contractual requirements, if you want to go down the road of PI,
are "free of charge" (more or less), assuming that you can easily find
a "friendly" LIR offering this service to you? The basic cost per "item",
as charged by the NCC, is (currently) €50,- p.a., aka "peanuts" :-)


Dimitris Kalogeras wrote:

> Hi *,
> Apologies for  cross sending to mailing list. Allow me to introduce
> myself. My name is Dimitris Kalogeras
> (DK24-RIPE )and I work Network operation centre of NTUA ( a university
> of Greece AS-3323). I am also collaborating with GRNET  ( the Greek NREN
> - AS5408).
> I am trying to get a pragmatic view of the rPKI  infrastructure along
> with the associated router functionality. I have arranged to participate
> in a vendor's ( i.e. Cisco) beta testing with respect to rPKI. (As a
> matter of fact I would invite any other vendor
> who's is on the list and has a similar functionality to submit this for
> testing.)
> Basically, I am thinking something like  AS-ONE<------>
> AS-two<----->AS5408 on terms of path topology.
> AS5408 would have the role of transit provider, AS-two would have the
> role of ISP and AS-one the role of a client.
> Following, I would assign temporarily some address from the assignment
> of  GRNET to those ASes.
> I would be happy to report the results back into the mailing list or in
> a ripe meeting.
> So I would like to ask from RIPE to generate two new AS for testing
> purposes without getting charged because I would not
> use them commercially but just for verification purposes .
> Regards,
> Dimitris