[certtest] rPKI vendor's implementation verfication

Hi *,

Apologies for  cross sending to mailing list. Allow me to introduce
myself. My name is Dimitris Kalogeras
(DK24-RIPE )and I work Network operation centre of NTUA ( a university
of Greece AS-3323). I am also collaborating with GRNET  ( the Greek NREN
- AS5408).

I am trying to get a pragmatic view of the rPKI  infrastructure along
with the associated router functionality. I have arranged to participate
in a vendor's ( i.e. Cisco) beta testing with respect to rPKI. (As a
matter of fact I would invite any other vendor
who's is on the list and has a similar functionality to submit this for

Basically, I am thinking something like  AS-ONE<------>
AS-two<----->AS5408 on terms of path topology.
AS5408 would have the role of transit provider, AS-two would have the
role of ISP and AS-one the role of a client.
Following, I would assign temporarily some address from the assignment
of  GRNET to those ASes.

I would be happy to report the results back into the mailing list or in
a ripe meeting.

So I would like to ask from RIPE to generate two new AS for testing
purposes without getting charged because I would not
use them commercially but just for verification purposes .



Dimitrios K. Kalogeras

Electrical Engineer Ph.D.
Network Engineer
NTUA/GR-Net Network Management Center
skype: aweboy
voice: +30-210-772 1863
fax:     +30-210-772 1866
e-mail: dkalog@localhost