[anti-spam-wg] ENISA Study on Spam and Security Measures

Dear all,

As some of you probably recall, ENISA conducted a survey last year on
security and anti-spam measures implemented by providers.
For more information on the previous survey you can have a look on:

We are currently running a second survey to update our previous report.
We will appreciate very much your collaboration. See below for more

Best regards,

Expert Network Security Policy
P.O. Box 1309, 71001 Heraklion - Crete Greece
Tel: (+30) 28 10 39 1366
Fax: (+30) 28 10 39 1895, email: pascal.manzano@localhost

--- email for providers ---

Dear Service Provider,

We would appreciate if you could give us a few minutes of your
attention. Your input is valuable during a study in the field of
information security. When filling the questionnaire, you will get early
access to the results of this survey before the report is available to
the general public.

ENISA, the European Information and Network Security Agency, conducts a
study on the technical and organizational measures that electronic
communication services providers take with regard to IT security
measures and countermeasures against spam. 

Technical or security teams are the right target to provide the answers
of the questionnaire. Could you please forward this email within your
organisation to them?

Please provide your answers online:
https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/publications/surveys/DG/ENISA_SPAM/ . 

You can also download an offline word version of the questionnaire and
fill it out:

For any questions, please call Pascal Manzano at +30 2810 39 1366 or
send an email to provider.study@localhost

ENISA would like to let responders know that all answers provided will
be aggregated and evaluated anonymously. Any personal data submitted
shall remain strictly at ENISA and it will be treated in accordance with
art. 4 of Regulation (EC) 45/2001. ENISA will also keep confidential all
information submitted according to art. 4 of Regulation (EC) No

Please note our deadline: Wednesday, June 30th, 2007

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Pascal Manzano

Security Policies / Technical Department ENISA www.enisa.europa.eu 

PS: Please note that we sent the questionnaire via multiple channels so
you may receive it multiple times. Thank you for your understanding.