[anti-spam-wg] RIPE 54 Anti-spam WG Minutes & New Chairs


The draft minutes of the anti-spam WG session at RIPE 54 are now
available here:


Comments and/or complaints can be sent to me or to the list.

Before this meeting Rodney announced his intention to stand
down as Chair of the working group and the main body of the
session was taken up with discussions of the future direction
of the WG and the appointment of a new Chair.

It was decided that the WG still had a purpose and there was
no serious moves towards calling for it to cease its work.  A
number of suggestions were made about future direction and, of
course, further input on this is welcomed and encouraged from
the list.

The meeting also proposed that Brian Nisbet be appointed Chair
with Richard Cox as co-chair.  Hence the reason that it is me
sending out these mails.  We both hope to be able to work with
you all to continue the great job that Rodney has been doing.



Brian Nisbet
HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network
1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1
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