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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Re: Domain spoofing

On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 07:01:29PM +0200, Martin Neitzel wrote:
> I'm pretty sure you refer to der Mouse himself on this very mailing
> list in
> http://www.ripe.net/ripe/mail-archives/anti-spam-wg/2003/msg00199.html

Yakov Shafranovich posted a list of RMX proposal on ASRG:


ASRG has contacted the authors of all that documents and they try to
reconciliate right now and hope to have a draft ready for submission
before Oct. 20, which is the deadline for first drafts for Minneapolis.

In addition to what der Mouse wrote IMHO a big problem with the
current RMX proposal will become IPv6. I don't think it will be fun
to add records like described on
for IPv6 hosts.

With a colleague I am currently writing a draft with a slightly
different approach.
It still needs some polishing before submitting. 

The basic idea is to "mark" MTAs in reverse DNS with a TXT record like
The same way you can mark hosts that should never send eMails accross
the Internet (WAN) with   "ASRG.MTA=no".
While this is a weaker criterion than the RMX ones, it deploys existings
techniques, is easy, fast and cheap to implement and doesn't have the
drawbacks of RMX style proposals.

Comments welcome ;-)


P.S. A reference implementation that works as a kind of dispatcher (like
     DJB's rblsmptd) will be available soon.

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