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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications has put out 10 rules for users, how to avoid spam and virus.

Title: Melding

As Rodney Tillotson mentioned at the RIPE plenary meeting Friday 5th September 2003, The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications has put out 10 rules how to avoid spam and virus, for users. This work is a part of a more comprehensive work that is now being laid down by the Ministry, the Post- and Telecommunication regulatory Authority, the Consumer Council and the business sector.
The 10 rules you will find here at the homepage of the Norwegian Post- and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority http://www.npt.no/  in English or Norwegian or the English version directly here: http://www.npt.no/pt_internet/eng/services/internet/spam.html
Atle Aarnes
Norwegian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority
Attending the RIPE anti-spam-wg.

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