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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] I wrote a spam filter in Perl

Hey folks :)

I took the opportunity when I moved recently and my email was down and accumulating on the server to use that accumulation as an incentive to finally write a script to auto-delete the spam. :)

It uses an English-like syntax rules file (procmail :0 is for the birds), and the command-line tool which works on an existing mailbox file even has a nice VT100 status display (fun to watch the spam vanquished). Here's how it looks:

After I tweak it a bit more, I will write a real-time version (run via the .forward file) to divert the spam before it ever reaches the inbox file.

My question is this: How can I sell my user-friendly filter?

Should I sell it to ISPs? To individuals?
Since it's Perl code, not compiled binary, how can I protect it?

who used Star Trek: The Next Generation displays as VT100 inspiration :D
Walter Ian Kaye, San Francisco, CA | Macintosh Scripter, Web Developer,
http://www.natural-innovations.com/ | Guitarist, Songwriter, Actor, and
| Whole Grain Baker
(()) ascii ribbon campaign:
XX just say no to HTML/RTF in email and usenet
//\\ and no to Web sites that do not fully support Lynx

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