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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Mark McCaron and GEIS system

At 02:14p -0400 07/01/2003, der Mouse didst inscribe upon an electronic papyrus:

Yes, his system probably would kill spam.  It would also kill a whole
lot of other things, including most of the reasons I use email.

Absent further evidence, I say "kook".
I don't think he's so much "kook" as simply an engineer who has spent so much time engineering that he's lost touch with the world of humans. It's an affliction which many of us with a propensity toward geekdom have experienced to some degree, but we all have different times at which course correction kicks in. If one does not stop to regroup and reevaluate how one's outward life compares to one's inner truth, one can end up much like Mark.

in the midst of a radical change of career (I'm so excited!)

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