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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 04:07:06PM +0000, Mark McCarron wrote:
> > >
> > > http://homepage.ntlworld.com/giza.necropolis
> >
> Mark's response:
> The list refers to ISPs, not mailservers (the are held in a related 
> database).  You obviously haven't been reading the post very carefully.  
> Also, if adopted by major email ISPs and email companies, who exactly are 
> you going to be sending simple SMTP messages too???  

A very large fraction of our mail traffic does not come from email
servers of large ISPs, but from mail servers owned and operated by
individual companies.  

I have http://homepage.ntlworld.com/giza.necropolis/ in front of me 
and I read:

| Basic Overview of Email Tranmission 
| 1. The Email server makes a request to begin transmitting by logging onto 
| the 'EAS' 
| 2. This is passed to the ISP's 'EAS' which, results in transmission of a 
| graphic with obscured word on it to the client.
| 3. The client enters the word into a prompt and the first email is sent 
| to the 'EAS'

I do not see how this could fit the needs of an organization who:
a. is using its own mailserver on is own assigned IP space
b. is not using its ISP mailservers and does not want to have anything
   at all to do with them (if you do not understand this desire you
   are out of touch with the current reality of email traffic between

> Mark's response:
> With $12 Billion dollars at stake, I don't think many would care about the 
> opinions of your customer base.  Besides, MSN Hotmail has over 200 Million 
> accounts, it has limits on the amount of recipients (currently 50) and it 
> takes a bit longer than 10 seconds to send a new email.  So, this arguement 
> is a non-starter, none of the major players are going to be concered with 
> the opinions of smaller companies.  The way they will see it, if you go 
> bankrupt because of it, all the better.

> Mark's Response:
> Current challange response systems do the same.  Also, millions of emails 
> each day are filtered and deleted without anyone being informed.  Another 
> non-starter.

Ok, we live in different universes!

Good luck, we stay in the other universe.

furio ercolessi

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