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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam


On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 09:08:22AM +0000, Mark McCarron wrote:
> Sorry, but we really don't care about mailing lists.  The majority of users 
> on the internet cannot use them.  Also, are you going to respond personally 
> to several thousand challange response systems????

Bzzt, thanks for playing.

If your "solution" can't do mailing lists, then I consider it very much 
unsuitable.  People *use* mailing lists.  Most people I know participate
in one or the other special interest mailing list.

It's nice if hotmail is implementing this and not accepting e-mail from
the rest of the world anymore.  NO SPAM.  But no legitimate e-mail either -
this will save your customers an enormous amount of time, indeed.

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
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