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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] spamming in the name of sience?

> So, what's the opinion on this list about this?

  I'd say don't go there.

  UBE has to be defined by technical criteria, and those alone:
ie.  sending Mail to people who don't want it/didn't request it,
no matter what the content is.

  As soon as we modify our position and distinguish between "good
spam" and "bad spam", we put ourselves between a rock and a hard
place. Then the question what constitutes "good spam". Is mail to
a million people to "help poor little Frederick with cancer"
acceptable? Or "Stop the war in Fooland"? "Save souls by giving
to religious association X"? "Make money fast"?

  And then of course, the senders of "bad spam" will start to
complain about being censored -- and they would be right!

  So I guess the bottom line is: If you want to spam in the name
of science (and I agree that the numbers will be interesting), then
go ahead, but don't expect endorsement of any kind.


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