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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] (Last chance to flame) Abstract of proposed Internet Draft for Best Current Practice (please comment)

On 13 Feb 2003 16:23:00 +0000, Nick Hilliard wrote:

>level below fails to conform.  However, none of the RIR's has the
>mandate, the authority or the desire to act as internet police.  Do you
>not understand this?

Of course; they are living the discredited "make the victims pay"
model so naturally they want to do nothing except wait to collect their
pensions.  However they allocate the space and they can withdraw it.
That's anyone's definition of an enabler.

[snip, snip, snip]

>business as a "spam enabler".  Others include suggestions on summary
>service withdrawal, the nature of which would be deemed by most legal
>systems to be way out.

It not only is not "way out", it is the way lots of well-run 
service providers now operate, without the slightest legal problem.
The purpose of my proposal is to elevate the current practice
of well-run organizations to universality instead of randomness.
It can be done if people put their minds to it instead of whining.

>And as has been mentioned before, this discussion is more apposite to

Yes I appreciate your earlier suggestion, carefully noted, and I
have already done so.   However a lot of really clever people congregate
here and I am most grateful for their earlier comments.

By the way, my plan will work.  What is yours?

Jeffrey Race

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