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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Proposal: list of unassigned IP space

Dear Furio Erocolessi,

On 2003-02-03 17:02:54 +0100, furio ercolessi wrote:
> I was wondering whether there is a way to know, by automatic methods
> and on a (say) daily basis, what are the IP blocks in the RIPE area
> which are not assigned to anyone at present, as far as the registry
> knows.  If not, I propose to make such a list available.  People
> could download it and use it to filter mail, or nullroute, or
> whatever.

You can find a list of space allocated by the RIPE NCC here:


Also in this directory is a script to invert these, so you can get an
unallocated space.  These files are updated every 15 minutes.

Please see this file for full details:


This listing has been published for two weeks now, and was presented
at the Routing Working Group at RIPE 44.  My apologies for not making
this more public, we are going to do this soon.

> Most problems of this kind are not in the RIPE area; but if RIPE
> starts such a service, then this could help in getting the other
> IP registries to do the same, and this could make the world a better
> place ;-)

We are also working with the other RIR's in an effort to produce this
information on a global basis.

Shane Kerr

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