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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts


On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 10:40:08PM +0700, Dr. Jeffrey Race wrote:
> On 29 Jan 2003 12:44:29 +0000, Nick Hilliard wrote:
> >Mandating your suggestion would surely create a 100% correct database. 
> >But it would piss off all RIPE members to the extent that the
> >co-operative nature upon which RIPE is based would be irrevocably
> >destroyed. 
> Why would anyone be annoyed by being asked to behave responsibly?

Look at the way things operate in the real world.  Customer data is 
changing all the time - employees leaving, companies changing their 
name and (some months later) their e-mail addresses, and so on.

There's no way a LIR can ensure that all data is correct 100% of the 
time - or that, even if the mail is correctly delivered, there is sufficient 
clue level at the receiving end to actually handle the e-mail correctly.

Commercial relations are not "parent-children" relations, and it's not
our job to educate our customers in such a way.

Mandating a 100% correct RIPE database means LOTS of additional operational
cost, for a doubtful benefit.  This isn't going to *stop* SPAM, it just
means "you get to hit the people that have had their resources stolen
by spammers more quickly".

> If you have a solution that works (mine will!) then let us hear it.

Your solution requires cooperation from the majority of the LIRs, and 
I know at least one that will object.

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
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