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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 02:40:17 -0500 (EST), der Mouse wrote:
>> Why would anyone be annoyed by being asked to behave responsibly?
>>The spam-supporters will be annoyed because it means they can't get
>away with hiding any longer.  The non-spam-supporters will be annoyed
>because it's more trouble for them; in addition, every time a
>legitimate mistake happens and has unfortunate consequences, the rules
>will acquire another enemy.  (For example, take that postmaster mailbox
>full error above.  That could easily be a legitimate ISP who's just
>acquired a spammer customer - perhaps even one they've larted already -
>but is having trouble keeping up with the flood of complaints landing
>in their postmaster mailbox.  Or perhaps their postmaster address got
>joe-jobbed; I got joed back in October 2001 and was completely off the
>air for two days as one of the consequences.

My proposal provides for a period of investigation, and admonishment
without sanction, before imposing sanctions.  So the above objections
do not apply to my proposal.

Jeffrey Race

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