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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

>> But it costs to be well-behaved; even if you're not a spamhaus, it
>> costs time and effort to make sure your contact info is kept
>> correct.

> Thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify something!

> The choice is not between "costs" and "no costs".  [...]  This is the
> basic issue of the Environmental Polluter business model.

This is very true.

The problem is, in this case, the governing body under discussion
(RIPE) is a coalition of (the analog of) polluters (and potential
polluters).  In such circumstance, it is no surprise that the pollution
is bad and isn't getting any better.

This is why I suspect a solution may need to be "imposed from on high"
by IANA/ICANN fiat.

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