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spamvertizing on Level3

Is anyone aware that Level3 may have changed their AUP to permit

Although the posted Level3 AUP says this:

"Use of the service of another provider to send UCE, spam or mailbombs, to
promote a site hosted on or connected to the Level 3 network, is similarly
prohibited. Likewise, you may not use the Service to collect responses from
mass unsolicited e-mail messages."

We've received many spams over the past week promoting various sites, all
with the giveaway 'opt-out' link to InsuranceIQ.com and sometimes promoting
that site too. Caroline Skene, UK Operations Manager for Level3 told me this
after I enquired why nothing was being done to remove them:

> While InsuranceIQ may also have services with Level 3 we cannot act on
> activity on another backbone provider's network.

As I understand it, she is in charge of enforcing it in the UK, so she
*should* know it quite well. It appears she is suggesting that spamvertizing
is no longer considered abuse on Level3, as long as you send the mail from
somewhere else, which is certainly not my reading of the AUP.


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