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Re: Commecial vs fairness (was: spam support)

On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, Anne Marcel Roorda wrote:

> In message <Pine.LNX.4.21.0202161652460.32320-100000@localhost>, Mally
> Mclane writes:
> > >   An announcement from the NCC upon return of a IP range would fix that.
> > > Anyone running a blacklist would then have the entire hold period to
> > > remove any listings from that range.
> >
> > the ncc doesnt see all that much space returned. If a company goes bust or
> > somesuch, their assets are usually bought out by another company.
>   True, but that doesn't mean anything.


If address space isnt coming back, how/why would the NCC send out an
announcement about it?


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