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Re: Commecial vs fairness (was: spam support)

In message <Pine.LNX.4.21.0202161652460.32320-100000@localhost>, Mally 
Mclane writes:

> >   An announcement from the NCC upon return of a IP range would fix that.
> > Anyone running a blacklist would then have the entire hold period to
> > remove any listings from that range.
> the ncc doesnt see all that much space returned. If a company goes bust or
> somesuch, their assets are usually bought out by another company.

  True, but that doesn't mean anything.

  If this were to be put in place, and shown to be effective then
other LIRs could be asked to join in.

  This all of course assumes that blacklist operators would be
interested in this as well.

- marcel

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