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Re: Commecial vs fairness (was: spam support)

> >   Educating admins on how to maintain a blacklist if they so choose
> > would be a better sollution. Getting them to drop the local blacklist
> > and move to one of the several publicly available blacklists would be
> > even better.
> Exactly.  I can't think of any organisation I'd trust more to run a
> blacklist than RIPE.

  I don't think it would be a good idea for the NCC to take that on.

  There are several very usable blacklists out there, with clearly defined
policy's. If you already agree with the set policy's then use them.
Otherwise join the discussion and explain what you'd like to see change,
or start your own blacklist if you feel that the policy's are beyond
repair or don't trust their implementation.

  If you feel that more would be needed, then you could always write
a RFC.

- marcel

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