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Re: Commecial vs fairness (was: spam support)

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Steve Linford wrote:

> >  so you advocate RIPE not reallocatiing IPs that have been used by a
> >  spammer?
> That's a difficult one, I would say 'yes' but then RIPE would need a 
> process to know that a particular IP range is effectively destroyed 
> for re-allocation for a period of time. 

Isn't this exactly *why* RIPE doesn't allocate an IP range for at least a
few years, regardless of the reason they got it back? If blacklists still
have IP numbers of a few years ago, I'd strongly recommend against using
that blacklist, it's obviously not a good list.

I wonder if my UUnet 194.229.18/24 is still in the static ORBS children :)

> These guys get huge ARIN allocations (/20s, /16s) 

Then perhaps ARIN needs to revise their allocation scheme?

> At a guess, these blocks remain in local blacklists for a couple of 
> years or so.

That's a bad practice :)


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