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Re: How do you get off ORBS nowadays?

On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 12:11:08PM +0200, Piet Beertema wrote:
>     > The guy running e-scrub.com was giving secondary service
>     > to orbs.org, NOT to relays.orbs.org.
> Then why is he giving an *authoritative* answer for
> <revaddr>.relays.orbs.org, with a TTL of 7 days and
> without that TTL counting down?
> And why is e-scrub.com the *only* secondary doing so?

Because he found himself with his connection flooded by
DNS queries after ORBS was disconnected, and wants to recover
his bandwidth.  I am not defending his choices, just reporting
what he said.  There is probably an announcement by him
(Ron Guilmette) on news.admin.net-abuse.email (and other
antispam forums such as SPAM-L).

The other sites running the secondaries are probably not so concerned 
about the extra bandwidth.

furio ercolessi

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