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Re: MAPS disabling free access

Why forward the whole text instead of just the URL?
May I set an opt-out for such messages? ;-)

    > ... I have no legal basis to ask to have it back, as it
    > was a voluntary, unconditional contribution, but I'll surely be
    > less inclined to contribute to a paid subscription service in
    > the same way.  Why should I spend my time improving a service
    > everybody, including myself, has to pay for?
That of course is the key point, and it may well prove
deadly for MAPS altogether: it's either going to fail
due to lack of input, or it will become a fully closed
service, paid for by a limited number of clients and
fed solely by those clients. The decision to make MAPS
a purely commercial service will undoubtedly spurt the
birth of more ORBS-alikes. Which by itself may become
rather useless when it's done uncoordinated.


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