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Re: DRAFT minutes Anti-spam WG RIPE 39 Bologna

Valentin Hilbig wrote:
> This is simply a lie.  ORDB does not list OPEN relays, it lists NON-CLOSED
> relays.  This is a big difference.

Don't fiddle with words. The opposite of open is closed. So non-closed
is open. Period.

Otherwise you can "prove" whatever you want to "prove".

ORDB gets a test message through your server, hence it is an open relay
within the definition that ORDB is using for an open relay. Don't change
the definition to prove that you are right. Just prevent that that test
message gets through.

If I can get a test message through your server I also consider your
server an open relay. I even may consider to cooperate with ORDB to use
a system in our network to do these tests.

Please be cooperative in fighting spam. After the disappearance of ORBS
I have seen a sudden increase of about 10% in the amount of e-mail
coming in. Hopefully with ORDB in place this will now decrease.


Freek de Kruijf   tel. 015 2783226   e-mail: F.deKruijf@localhost
Dienst Technische Ondersteuning TU Delft              fax  015 2783787
Postadres:                 Postbus 354                   2600 AJ Delft
Bezoekadres:               M. de Ruyterweg 10-12         2628 BA Delft

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