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Re: Relays, Blacklists, and Laws (was: spam-tools?)

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Paul Wouters wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Piet Beertema wrote:
> > 1) Having port 25 open is an implicit announcement of being
> >    open to receive mail. Whether the announcement has been
> >    made in public (through DNS) or not is irrelevant. The
> >    same holds for the physical mailbox at your door.
> Guess what I'll send you for Christmas. A mailbox for hanging on the wall
> in your house, with the explicite instructions for the mailman :)
> (eg: a broken or misconfigured firewall causing a mailserver to appear is
>  NOT a valid reason to abuse that system.) In fact, your argument sounds
> very much like the "if you don lock your bike" argument.

If you don't lock your bike and it gets stolen, you are the victim. If you
don't lock your mailserver and it relays spam to me, I am the victim.

/* Sabri Berisha CCNA,BOFH,+iO        O.O        speaking for just myself
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