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Re: Relays, Blacklists, and Laws (was: spam-tools?)

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Piet Beertema wrote:

> 1) Having port 25 open is an implicit announcement of being
>    open to receive mail. Whether the announcement has been
>    made in public (through DNS) or not is irrelevant. The
>    same holds for the physical mailbox at your door.

Guess what I'll send you for Christmas. A mailbox for hanging on the wall
in your house, with the explicite instructions for the mailman :)

(eg: a broken or misconfigured firewall causing a mailserver to appear is
 NOT a valid reason to abuse that system.) In fact, your argument sounds
very much like the "if you don lock your bike" argument.

> 2) If port 25 is open for receiving internal mail and no more
>    than that, then the "interface" to the outside world should
>    block access to that port from outside. Failure to do so
>    means that 1) applies.

Eh? Hope you have good burglar alarms. It seems your policy of sharing
your goods depend on it.


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