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Re: spam-tools?

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Sabri Berisha wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Paul Wouters wrote:

> > There are enough horror stories of ORBS everyone on this list knows. The
> > most simple and stupid thing of ORBS was that people could submit IP's,
> > and they would test and block it within the hour. If you've ever done a
> > emergency mail server migration, and was knee deep in DNS and MS hell,
> > the last thing you need is to have one of your IP's blocked because a
> > spammer and an ORBS user found your temporary mail server.
> AFAIK ORBS used to list 30 days after they had send a warning mail to the
> site administrator.

I stand corrected for this.

Within 8 hours ORBS lists you in their dns zones, after 30 days your site
appears on their downloadable list.

This is a bit fast; for a long time I was under the impression that they
waited a month.

/* Sabri Berisha CCNA,BOFH,+iO        O.O        speaking for just myself
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