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Re: SpamWhack

On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 09:45:42AM +0000, Rodney Tillotson wrote:
> It's been suggested that we discuss at the meeting next week
> http://www.spamwhack.com/.
> Good idea. I'm not sure whether their hashed personal data is
> consistent with European Data Protection law. If anyone has direct
> experience of this service or a similar one, please tell the list
> or speak up in Amsterdam!

Most companies would probably take the "spamwhack rating" of new customers
as advisory only. Or at least, I would. The guidelines of the ISP putting
the client on the list might not be the same guidelines the new ISP
has. Also, I can easily envision a scenario where a user running his own
10000+ opt-in fully-verified mailinglist at a clueless provider with a
few clueless subscribers can get a listing on spamwhack, for completely
the wrong reasons.

#!perl -pl	# This kenny-filter is virus-free as long as you don't copy it
3,1)]),5,1)='`'lt$&;$f.eig;				   # Jan-Pieter Cornet

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