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Re: Another sad proof of why the industry can't handle the UCE issue

    >     Translation: This message is too important to accept any opt-out
    >     preference you've registered with us. This might happen again in
    >     the future.
    > That's your interpretation, not a translation. 
    You can read Dutch fine, so you can see that they explicitely
    mention that they are ignoring any opt-outs registered, and
    may do so again in the future.
Yes, and "on an irregular basis and only as a service
to our customers". So what's the problem? I wish every
manufacturer would do so to their customers if it's
about *important* issues. Spam is a different story.
    It is about the fact that after an EXPLICITE opt-out, they decide
    to put people in anyway. If you make exceptions to the opt-out
    principle, then the entire opt-out structure collapses before
    it has been built.
No. If I opt-out in matters like this, I opt-out for
commercial announcements in the broadest sense of the
word, *not* for important stuff like this. I'd flame
them to death if they'd ignore my opt-out for other

    The only exception I can possible think of are clear health hazards
    that are also announced in newspapers and TV.
Well, y2k can be a serious health hazard, especially
with Microsoft software...
    ...and as a result we'e back to square 1, everyone having the right
    to send unsollicited email. 
We're talking about unsollicited *commercial* e-mail.


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