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Re: Another sad proof of why the industry can't handle the UCE issue

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, Piet Beertema wrote:

>     Today I found a spam from Microsoft in my mailbox. Nothing too
>     special, apart form the footer in that email:
>     ...
>     Translation: This message is too important to accept any opt-out
>     preference you've registered with us. This might happen again in
>     the future.
> That's your interpretation, not a translation. 
You can read Dutch fine, so you can see that they explicitely mention that they are
ignoring any opt-outs registered, and may do so again in the future. I don'
think I'm misinterpreting that at all.

> I don't have
> a problem with an *occasional* (like in this case) message
> from the manufacturer of a product I use when it is about a
> (potential) serious problem with that product and refers to
> a [webpage with] solution.

�t is not about wether THIS instance is harmfull or justified, or
wether you think it is. It is about the fact that after an EXPLICITE
opt-out, they decide to put people in anyway. If you make exceptions
to the opt-out principle, then the entire opt-out structure collapses before
it has been built. The only exception I can possible think of are
clear health hazards that are also announced in newspapers and TV.

>     It's obvious that a voluntary, industry-driven opting scheme will
>     never work. Let's hope correct EU guidelines will be implemented in
>     law with the member countries soon. At least before I start receiving
>     40Mb porn previews.
> You're really overdoing it. And that's not going to help
> us much either.

Exceptions to opt-out are a fundamental issue to that structure working at all. 
If you don't stick to the principle, it's not worth any effort to try and
set this up (opt-out schemes are already a big give-in to the industry), 
because every manufacturor of every product will find a valid reason for
being allowed to ignore the opt-out, and as a result we'e back to square 1,
everyone having the right to send unsollicited email. 


"It's all Quantum"
                         --- Terry Pratchett, Pyramids

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