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URL to the RIPE 34 Minutes (AOB)

The RIPE 34 minutes of the WG are not on the RIPE pages yet.  So for
all those who hadn't noted my ANTISPAM URL which was shown in the AOB
section, I post it here again:


Also please note that the version -0.9 on the pages contains a little
harmless BUG, but I came not accross uploading -0.8.9 to the pages
yet.  And I currently use it quite happily with Sendmail 8.9.3 with
following additional changes according to the SuSE-Setup:

dnl FEATURE(\`access_db', \`hash -o /etc/mail/access.db')dnl

Valentin `Tino' Hilbig     
NOC Online-Kiosk GmbH http://www.noc.baycix.de/ Tel. +49-180-5654357 privat: http://geht.net/ Fax. +49-871-9253629 privat: nospam@localhost Systems '99 * 18-22 Okt. * Halle B4 * Stand 325/426

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