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Anti-spam WG Amsterdam 23 Sep 1999

Draft agenda with some (|) comments.
Please let me know if you want any changes.

RIPE anti-spam Working Group
RIPE 34 Meeting, 23 Sep 1999, Amsterdam

DRAFT agenda

1. Administrivia
      1.1 Introductions
      1.2 Note taker
      1.3 Agree agenda

2. Update
      2.1 Recent list discussion
|        There hasn't been much -- but it's never too late!
      2.2 Other developments
|        'Collateral spam' -- paper mentioned at 4.1 below.
|        More relaying through jp.
|        More relaying through Yahoo?
|        European legislation.

3. Code of conduct
      3.1 AUP's
|        Has anybody found any good ones?
      3.2 LINX BCP
|        http://www.linx.net/noncore/bcp/ube-bcp.html

4. Assistance to CERTs
      4.1 Reading mail headers
|        http://www.ja.net/mail/junk/collateral.html
|             -- a JANET paper which is relevant.

5. AOB

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