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Senator Murkowski who, in a sudden tactical move with another
Senator, managed to rush an opt-out style antispam bill into
existence last year (though it was later lost in the Congress)
has recently announced his intention to have another go (he
describes his proposed new legislation as "similar"), see


While he appears to be committed enough to the cause of antispam,
it is by no means clear that he has yet grasped the difference
between opt-out and opt-in and thus - given his demonstrated
penchant for unexpected tactics - his renewed activity should
probably be tagged by at least one observer on the US scene.

It shouldn't be possible for upcoming legislation to take people
by surprise, but that's exactly what happened last time, hence
this note to alert anyone (or anyone's US contact/s) who may be
in a position to implement effective monitoring of the Senator's
renewed political activities on the Internet's behalf....


 *  nick@localhost  *

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