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Re: Administrative Overheads Arising from UCE

>> Why don't you just disable incoming connections to the port 25 for your dialup
>> users? You'd get much less hassle.
>Doesn't scale to the real world case where you have customers who run their
>own mailservers.

Really? Don't tell that to Sonera (running inet.fi domain): that is their
default configuration for customers that hire fixed lines. You have to
specifically ask for opening port 25 if you want to receive the messages

For example, check out mx records for tjgroup.com, and after that try to
connect to each host it shows.

Esa Laitinen  	             If I cannot reply to your news or mail
                             message with reply, you won't get my answer.
http://www.decus.fi          Why try to hide away from spam, why not fight
http://www.iki.fi/laitinen   it? http://www.mcs.com/~jcr/junkemaildeal.html

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