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Re: Administrative Overheads Arising from UCE

> On Wed, 17 Feb 1999 cor@localhost wrote:
> > > Why don't you just disable incoming connections to the port 25 for your dialup
> > > users? You'd get much less hassle.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, in the real world, this isnt an option. End users in Holland
> > are very aware of any kind of filtering, and start shouting censorship
> > when you filter UDP port 31337, let alone port 25. It would indeed solve
> > a lot of problems, but I doubt many dialup ISPs filter this port. If any
> > do, please say so, and share your experiences. 

They were talking about blocking internet to customer,
not customer to internet...

> I've tried to spot a flaw in this system, but as long as you make sure you load
> balance your mail relays with some sort of resilient system, I can't think of
> one.

Sure, customer connects and want to connect to his home SMTP server
in order not to give a too easy place to sniff the contents,
yet he connects to a random ISP ...
want to bet the customer will wants your head on plate if he finds out ?

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Swa Frantzen                         tel: +32 70 233909
Senior System Engineer               fax: +32 70 233808
EUnet Belgium NV/SA                  http://www.Belgium.EU.net
Interleuvenlaan,5 B-3001 Leuven      

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