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Re: Administrative Overheads Arising from UCE

> Why don't you just disable incoming connections to the port 25 for your dialup
> users? You'd get much less hassle.

Because that's a service an ISP *has* to deliver to its customers.

It is the only reasonable way for the legitimate customer to get his mail
out onto the Internet without excessive connection times or excessive
(think of an end user sitting behind his PC with windows and a modem)

And with that many users behind a single (ro even a bunch) of relays
you can only rely on the ability of the ISP to nail the users that do
spam, give us a break and let us focus on fighting the abusers we do get
(even if we try not to get them) instead of making us fight for the
nice users we have (leaving us less resources to fight the bad guys).

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Swa Frantzen                         tel: +32 70 233909
Senior System Engineer               fax: +32 70 233808
EUnet Belgium NV/SA                  http://www.Belgium.EU.net
Interleuvenlaan,5 B-3001 Leuven      

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