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Re: Administrative Overheads Arising from UCE

> >up on it, taking a lot of time (and thus money). ORBS doesnt just blacklist
> >the user, they blacklist us. 
> Thing is, the receiving MTAs will only see your smtp servers ip-address, thus
> it is important to list that as well. I don't know if current orbs give you
> time to get it fixed in case of multi-level relay.

I know the reason, but that doesnt make it any better for me :)

> Why don't you just disable incoming connections to the port 25 for your dialup
> users? You'd get much less hassle.

Unfortunately, in the real world, this isnt an option. End users in Holland
are very aware of any kind of filtering, and start shouting censorship
when you filter UDP port 31337, let alone port 25. It would indeed solve
a lot of problems, but I doubt many dialup ISPs filter this port. If any
do, please say so, and share your experiences. 


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