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Re: RIPE32 Anti-spam WG minutes (draft 1.1)

> That would make "acceptable spam" illegal, which is not
> what you want. Just 2 examples:
> 1) I don't want UCE in general, except when it's about
>    "cars". That's why I suggested to allow or require
>    keywords in an X-UCE header line.

Why don't you sibscribe to a announcement mailing list about cars in
that case ? Or visit their web page.
There are other ways to get to the information.
This is the inforamtion age after all, you have too much information,
not too little.
And there are plenty of spots to advertise if yo want to, first contact
with the customer is not that unattainable withthe customer without
spamming, it will just cost more, but that IS a better cost model.

> 2) I'm on a mailing list through which I receive info
>    of interest for my organisation. With permission
>    from the list owner, but without my knowledge or
>    consent, a commercial company uses the list to send
>    me info. Since my organisation is interested in this
>    info, I accept it, although strictly speaking this
>    would be UCE. I consider being on said mailing list
>    as implicit permission to send me such info.

Don't think many list owners ever allow this.
If they do, they are probably into strange things themselves.

> Therefore I'd suggest:
>  "Member States shall lay down in their legislation that
>   unsolicited commercial communication by electronic mail
>   is forbidden, unless the recipient has given implicit
>   or explicit permission to receive such communication,
>   in general, specified, or from (a) certain sender(s)".

The real spammers will see that (esp. after its been mutilated by the
EU and the member states) as a license to spam.

A strict ban on UCE and ALSO on UBE is the only alternative
we have to keep the Internet and esp. E-mail livable in the 
near future.

If people have "wanted" spam, let them find other ways to get it.

From the ISP point of view spam is theft. Nothing more, nothing less,
no nuances are needed.

And what hurts all the ISPs, will hurt the customer ...

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Swa Frantzen                         tel: +32 70 233909
Senior System Engineer               fax: +32 70 233808
EUnet Belgium NV/SA                  http://www.Belgium.EU.net
Interleuvenlaan,5 B-3001 Leuven      

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