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Re: RIPE32 Anti-spam WG minutes (draft 1.1)

    	Something like:
    	"Member States shall lay down in their legislation that
    	unsolicited commercial communication by electronic mail
	is forbidden, unless the recipient has given a clear
	permission to receive such mails from a certain sender".
    ... in which case it is no longer "unsolicited". Lose
    everything from "unless" onwards and see how it goes.
That would make "acceptable spam" illegal, which is not
what you want. Just 2 examples:
1) I don't want UCE in general, except when it's about
   "cars". That's why I suggested to allow or require
   keywords in an X-UCE header line.
2) I'm on a mailing list through which I receive info
   of interest for my organisation. With permission
   from the list owner, but without my knowledge or
   consent, a commercial company uses the list to send
   me info. Since my organisation is interested in this
   info, I accept it, although strictly speaking this
   would be UCE. I consider being on said mailing list
   as implicit permission to send me such info.
Therefore I'd suggest:
 "Member States shall lay down in their legislation that
  unsolicited commercial communication by electronic mail
  is forbidden, unless the recipient has given implicit
  or explicit permission to receive such communication,
  in general, specified, or from (a) certain sender(s)".


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