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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce


> > > > * Make them use specialised SMTP software with a SPAM FROM: greeting

> > > Have you asked what IETF thinks about this ESMTP extension?

> > They will *love* it. It will be a negated feature. If the
> > remote site does not support spam, it will send a 50x message 8-)

> I belive that regardless how nice this sounds it probably has
> to be that it is default to accept UCE and that UCE-blocking 
> is something that should be implemented silently and per site
> and/or per user unless we cant get worldwide laws that bans UCE.

Nope. The german multimedia lobby group DMMV recently suggested
something like this and went done in flames, because, we
do not want something described as spam to be delivered by default.

Opt-in is the way to go, not opt-out.

> If all mailservers suddenly just says no the spammers will revert 
> to use "MAIL FROM" instead from a very remote site in a country
> that permits spam..

We already have *that* -- What's the difference from today ?

MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger                                  21 years to go !
LF.net GmbH        pi@localhost
Vor dem Lauch 23   fon +49 711 90074-23 Friedrich-Ebert-Str.1
D-70567 Stuttgart  fax +49 711 7289041  40210 Duesseldorf fon +49 211 179253-11
For Redmond: "nuke the site from orbit-- it's the only way to be sure."

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