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Re: Anti-Spam WG Meeting at RIPE32

James Aldridge wrote:
> Can I ask everyone to let me have any agenda items for an Anti-Spam WG
> meeting at the forthcoming RIPE meeting in Amsterdam (27th - 29th January)
> as soon as possible.  
> Once again this list has been very quiet and, unless there is some more input
> between now and RIPE32, I don't think it's worth holding a WG meeting.  Can
> I ask everyone to please review the working group charter (at
> http://www.ripe.net/wg/anti-spam/index.html) and send any ideas to the
> working group email list (anti-spam-wg@localhost) so that we can start making
> some progress towards the WG's aims:
> 	- To develop a "Code of Conduct"
> 	- To make a recommendation as to the feasibility and usefulness of a
> 	  "Centre for European Network Abuse Resolution (CENAR)"

Attached is a draft agenda for the Anti-Spam WG at RIPE 32.

RIPE32	Anti-Spam Working Group Agenda
Thursday, 28th January 1999
09:00 - 10:30

1.	Administrivia
	- Appointment of Scribe
	- New WG Chair (please!)
	- Agenda Bashing

2.	Short presentation on EU Directive on Electronic Commerce
	- George W. Mills,
	  European Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email

3	General WG input:
	- Changes since the last meeting
	- Current problems, major incident reports, etc
	- Current "solutions" in use, etc
	- Dealing with the "roaming" customer
	- Other implications of blocking/filtering SMTP traffic

4	Code of Conduct for ISPs:
	- Customer Terms and Conditions/AUP/...
	- Response to incident reports
	- Coordination of open relay removal (ISP/customer relationship)
	- Existing documents (LINX, others?) as a starting point for a
	  RIPE BCP document
	- Core team to start work on this document ASAP

5	Centre for European Network Abuse Resolution (CENAR):
	- General discussion

6	I/O with other RIPE WGs
	- DB/LIR : Flagging dialup address blocks in the RIPE Database


James Aldridge
(RIPE Anti-Spam WG Chair)

----- ___                       - James Aldridge, Senior Network Engineer,
---- /    /   /  ___  ____ _/_ -- EUnet Communications Services BV
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, NL
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_ ---- Tel: +31 20 530 5327; Fax: +31 20 622 4657
-                           ----- 

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