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Re: Anti-Spam WG Meeting at RIPE32

Dear All,

I would welcome a draft/outline on the topic/aim of the working group. The
steps mentioned by Clauido are needed, but I think, we need a global
overview at the first step. We can go into details only after that.

I took a look at the home page of the WG, but we do not have any working
draft yet (or I am just not aware of the existence of such documents). I
think, that a minimal goal should be to prepare such skeleton document(s)
till the next RIPE meeting (just to show that the work has begun).


Bertold Kolics * Computer and Automation Research Institute * Hungary
E-Mail: Bertold.Kolics@localhost * Phone: +36-13497532 * Fax: +36-13297866

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