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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

Ragnar Lonn prl@localhost wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Ulf Vedenbrant wrote:
> > > Meanwhile: we need to decide among ourselves how we want a spam message to be
> > > brought to our attention. I'm open to a combo X-UCE: Yes *plus* Subject:
> > > [UCE] ...?
> > 
> > If you put the indication of UCE in the headers inside the mail then 
> > all mta's has to parse the message to look for this mark. 
> > It is a lot more effective to check a tag in the SMTP/ESMTP negotiation...
> > 
> Yeah but "MAIL FROM: uffe@localhost" looks uglier :-)

How about "SPAM FROM:uffe@localhost"?


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