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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Ulf Vedenbrant wrote:

> > 
> > Talking about forcing "warning labels" for SPAM, why not to forbid
> > it in email at all, leaving email for private messages, not for
> > broadcasting ?
> As long as people has agreed on recieving commersial messages i dont mind.

With this i mean that the user has been active in agreeing of recieiving

Not that he get a note in the message that he could be removed from
some list..

> It is the blind broadcast of them that is bad..
> > IMHO USENET news are more appropriate for advertizing; they are
> > well classified, and nobody will read SPAM if he does not want it.
> Spam is bad in usenet as well...
> It grabs resources from ISP's here as well..
> /Uffe

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