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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce


> Ragnar Lonn said:
> >> What if they put in "money", but contained "sex" ? Or any other
> >> combination of distrustful advertisment ?

> > Yeah that's the risk you're running and which it may be wise not
> > to bother about all the keywords listed. But I don't think that using
> > "sex" as a keyword really helps more than using the appropriate one.

> Once you've got them within the umbrella of regulation at all, it's
> relatively easy to throw existing false advertising rules at them.

> For example, the Advertising Standards Authority would no doubt act against
> someone misleading in this way.

Sure. That's why I want spam to be banned completly -- wouldn't
it be easy to prosecute, if we did it like this 8-) ?

MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger                                  21 years to go !
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