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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

Ragnar Lonn said:
>> What if they put in "money", but contained "sex" ? Or any other
>> combination of distrustful advertisment ?

> Yeah that's the risk you're running and which it may be wise not
> to bother about all the keywords listed. But I don't think that using
> "sex" as a keyword really helps more than using the appropriate one.

Once you've got them within the umbrella of regulation at all, it's
relatively easy to throw existing false advertising rules at them.

For example, the Advertising Standards Authority would no doubt act against
someone misleading in this way.

Clive D.W. Feather       | Email: clive@localhost   | Tel: +44 1733 705000
Regulation Officer       | Home:  clive@localhost |  or: +44 973 377646
London Internet Exchange |                           | Fax: +44 1733 353929

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