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Re: blocking dialups

>Can you mention just one reason for not relay through the ISP's
>mail server (except for sending spam)?

  - Privacy (spare me the PGP answer, I know about that one :)
  - Ability to check delivery/retries to the recipient, or close to
  - sticking to the end-to-end model of the Internet
  - .....

PS: you're still trying to solve a social/legal problem by applying broken
    technical means.
    I'd rather stick to a properly established and responsible "Network
    Police" than having to deal with self-appointed ISP-Cops :-)
  Wilfried Woeber                :  e-mail: Woeber@localhost
  Computer Center - ACOnet       :  Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33
  Vienna University              :  Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140
  Universitaetsstrasse 7         :  RIPE-DB (&NIC) Handle: WW144
  A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe :  PGP public key ID 0xF0ACB369

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